5 Pictures Of White Blood Cells In Stool
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5 Pictures Of White Blood Cells In Stool. A paramount challenge to future space colonies is food supply. At some point the food will have to be expanded locally in-house. Ofcourse, that poses some significant standards to make such a greenhouse method viably sustainable. One difficulty that not many have considered is how to get the plants to grow in an environment where the natural Earth's frequencies do not exist. Let's talk.
Not long ago, I got into an intellectual dialogue about this predicament with Brad Feddersen, a Space Technologist, who then pondered; "Is there a quantifiable frequency on Earth that can be correctly replicated in other area spots? How do we deal with the background frequency on the new home planet? That mixes with artificial earth frequencies and should be taken into account. Indeed, the real experiment will soon be if plants care. "
Right, so good issue, and we unfortunately still don't know the answer to that. However, consider this, if we have a somewhat regular vibrational white noise, then you counter that with a similar white noise frequency, and the difference is defined to be Earth's frequency. While Earth's frequency is somewhere in the area of 4-5 Hz, this can be done easily enough. The plant cells vibrate at their best optimum frequency that is near Earth's frequency to which they've had to modify and evolve. This allows them to be the best they can be for their DNA from Zip-File (seed) to maturity. See that level. Not trying to get too much into the spirituality facet, just from what we know about cell biology and life on Earth you notice?
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